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The project aims to train two teams of students with disabilities in the fields of skills development of narrative methodologies and the skills of media and information literacy, and these teams will transfer the skills and competencies they have acquired in these two fields to four groups of Palestinian university students in Gaza.
All participants will receive training from a team of British experts to support them develop their skills in narrating and disseminating their novels, stories, life experiences, and realistic, meaningful, clear, available information in multiple languages (Arabic, English, sign language, and Braille). In addition, this will be achieved by developing their skills of using modern technologies and media, including social media in the context of Gaza that is categorized as a context of conflict, challenges, and chronic crises.
  1. Amplifying local voices of persons with disabilities to challenge dominant discourses on disability in conflict and crisis to reach wider audiences globally through media / social media
  2. Enhancing local capacity and delivering a sustainable legacy for inclusive and accessible knowledge production by persons with disabilities
  3. Developing pathways to impact through a specific focus on narrative methodologies and MIL
  4. Enhancing inclusive higher educational provision for global citizenship and MIL

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